Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Governor and First Lady's Women's Conference 2009

Many of us were lucky enough to attend the Women's Conference this year at the LB Convention Center.

It was one of the most amazing experiences. To see that many women and people crowd into the Long Beach Convention Center (20,000+) to discuss and learn about women's issues was touching.

The morning session was hosted by Paula Zahn. Geena Davis has started an organization called See Jane to increase the number of women roles in Hollywood and get rid of women stereotypes.

Robin Roberts, a breast cancer survivor, hosted a discussion with Governor Schwarzeneggar, Sheila Blair (chairman of the FDIC), and Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Group). It was amazing to watch these successful individuals discuss tough decisions they have made in their lives and risks they took to reach success.

A very touching presentation was made by Somaly Mam, a sex slave trade survivor from Cambodia. She was especially touching because of her courage and bravery. Soroptimist has a mission to help educate and eliminate sex slave trafficking of women and girls.

At the first morning break, we went shopping at the trade fair. What a trade fair!!

On of the morning break out session that some of us attended was by Dr. Oz on How to Manage your Health so Your Work and Stress Don't Kill You. He provided such useful health information and was so motivating to every man and woman on how to take easy steps toward health, youthfulness, and beauty.

The lunch session was hosted by David Gregory of NBC News who hosted a conversation between Madeleine Albright, Amy Holmes, Valerie Jarret (Obama's Senior Advisor on Women and Girls, and Claire Shipman (ABC News). Loved David Gregory and how he spoke about his successful wife, a partner in a large law firm. Loved how witty, smart, and insightful Madeleine Albright was. Enjoyed Valerie Jarrett and Claire Shipman's discussion on being a successful working mom. What a truly deep conversation about women in the workplace and their success. I LOVED when Madeleine Albright said "there is a special place in hell for women who don't support and help other women."

Next was an inspirational speech by Katie Couric. She brought me to tears as she spoke about her trailblazing journey through journalism and her resilience when facing grief.

That was followed by a presentation on Maria Shriver who gave a sorrowful speech on losing her mother and Uncle Ted Kennedy. She also hosted a gut wrenching discussion with Elizabeth Edwards (who lost her 16 year old son in an accident) and Lisa Neimy, Patrick Swayze's wife. There wasn't a dry eye in the arena. I was sobbing as these women discussed grief and loss and how they overcame it.

Last was an afternoon discussion on How Women Use their Voices to Change the World. Particularly inspirational for me was Lisa Ling.

The entire day and conference left such a resounding impact on each of us. Women are emotional creatures and it's ok. They have different needs than men and don't have to be like men to be successful in the workplace.

As Maria Shriver said "We hope the Women's Conference 2009 has inspired you to see yourself as an advocate for your own life, an activist in your community and an Architect of Change for our World."

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