Thursday, December 18, 2008

Soroptimists Bring Santa to Alameda School

Today the Soroptimists took Santa to the Alamenda School special needs preschool classroom. Many children told Santa they wanted "playdo" for Christmas. Each child received a toy, snacks, and drink.

As always, we had a wonderful time bringing gifts and holiday cheer to these sweet children.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Yard Sale

Soroptimist International of Downey held a successful yard sale with plenty of treasures right here in Downey. We successfully raised over $1500. The yard sale is an annual fundraiswer, with money raised going towards scholarships and programs for women and children.

Marvel Dodson

Marvel Naomi Dodson, a former teacher and past president of Soroptimist International of Downey, has died.

Dodson was born Sept. 30, 1920 to Myrtle and Roscoe Lucas of Verdon, Nebr. After graduating from Verdon High School and attending Peru State College in Nebraska, she taught eight years of elementary school.

She met and married Gerald Dodson, a lieutenant in the United States Air Force, in 1946. Their first residence was in Presque Isle, Maine, but they moved frequently throughout the country, including stops in North Dakota, Kansas, Mather Field, Calif., Waco, Tex., Morocco, Africa, and Long Island, N.Y.

Dodson and her husband had three children, Timothy, Jeffrey and Deborah. When Gerald Dodson passed away on Nov. 22, 1960 at Mitchell Air Force Base, Marvel and her children moved to Downey where her parents, brother and a sister lived.

She worked for 15 years as the director of the Assistance League Volunteer Center, and taught calligraphy for eight years for the Downey Parks and Recreation Department. She then taught for five more years at Downey Adult School.

Dodson was past president of Soroptimist International of Downey, an associate member of the Assistance League, and past coordinator of the South Los Angeles Society of Calligraphy.

She is survived by her sister, Evelyn Snethen; children, Timothy, Jeffrey and Deborah; nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

A memorial service will be held at the Moravian Church of Downey, 10337 Old River School Rd., on Oct. 24 at 10 a.m.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Installation of President Monica Goel-Hornberger

On Friday, June 27, 2009, Monica Goel-Hornberger was installed as the new president of Soroptimist. Joe and Dianne Lumsdaine hosted the installation dinner at their beautiful home in Downey with an Indian theme. It included catered Indian food and live Indian dance entertainment.

Many ladies from the club were dressed in the traditional Indian salwar kameez. They all looked so beautiful!

Monica is an attorney at Tredway, Lumsdaine and Doyle here in Downey and will be serving as president of SI Downey for the 2008-2009 year.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Why Do Soroptimist Focus on Women and Girls?

Here are just a few reason the Soroptimists focus their efforts are helping women and girls in their community:

- One in three women have been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in their lifetime.

- According to a recent report, of the 600,000-800,000 people trafficked across international borders annually, 80 percent are female.

- Women work two-thirds of the world's working hours but earn only 10 percent of the world's income, and own less than 1 percent of the world's property.

- Of a total 550 million working poor, 330 million (60 percent) are women.

- The United Nations estimates that globally women's unpaid care is worth up to $11 trillion annually.

- Two-thirds of the 880 million illiterate adults are women.

- Of the more than 110 million children not in school, approximately 60 percent are girls.

- By age 18, girls have received an average of 4.4 years less education than boys.

- In some countries in sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent girls have HIV rates up to five times higher than adolescent boys.

- Pregnancies and childbirth-related health problems take the lives of nearly 146,000 teenage girls each year.

- An estimated 450 million adult women in developing countries are stunted, a direct result of malnutrition in early life.

- Two million girls and women are subjected to female genital mutilation every year, and thousands suffer needlessly from obstetric fistula.

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Background Facts Re: Soroptimist and SI Downey

Soroptimist is a coined word which means “best for women”

Soroptimist International is a worldwide organization for professional women working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women.

Downey is a club within the Camino Real Region district 3 – we currently have 31 members. The Camino Real Region is made up of 28 clubs organized in 4 districts with 782 members as of 9/30/07. Camino Real Region is one of 29 Regions within Soroptimist International of the Americas.

Soroptimist International of the Americas is made up of 1450 clubs in 21 countries with over 45,000 members within Soroptimist International. Soroptimst International is made of 4 Territores totaling 120 countries and over 95,000 members.

Soroptimist International (SI) is the world's largest classified service organization for women whose mission is to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world.

SI Downey Club History

We celebrates Founders Day annually on October 3, acknowledging the day in 1921 when the first club in Alameda County, California, called to order its first business meeting. Violet Richardson served as Soroptimist first president during that year.

Soroptimist International Club of Downey was chartered in 1951. The charter party was held January 12, 1952 at the Downey Woman's Club. There were 25 charter members according to records from that year.

Today, we have approximately 31 members.