Thursday, December 24, 2009

SI Downey Adopts 2 Families for Christmas

This year, SI Downey members adopted 2 families to assist during the holidays.

First we donated through the Downey Exchange Club to a single mother and her 10 month old daughter. Check out the adorable stuff that the SI members collected and donated:

The second family was a single mother and her 2 boys in need of help. Check out the amazing stuff the SI Members donated and collected:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Soroptimist & Optimists Progressive Holiday Party

This year Dorothy Pemberton and President Patty Kotze hosted the 1st Annual Soroptimist & Optimists Progressive Holiday Party at their homes. These Soroptimist sisters and neighbors hosted a joint party with dinner at the Pemberton home and drinks, entertainment, and dessert at home of George & Patty Ramos. Everyone was filled with holiday cheer and a good time was had by all!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Alameda School Christmas Project

Every year, SI Downey brings Santa to the special needs classroom at Alameda Elementary School in Downey. This year, 50 students received a gift of Play-Doh from Santa, along with refresments and mylar balloons.

Optimist and honorary Soroptimister Sam Mathis played the role of Santa and brought much joy to each of the children. Soroptimist member Monica Goel Hornberger purchased the gifts for the club and Whitney Wigle and her elves at Stonewood Mall wrapped each of them. President Patty Kotze purchased the refreshments for the children and several memberes including Monica Goel Hornberger, Beverly Mathis, Whitney Wigle, Pat Heineke, Dianne Lumsdaine, Dorothy Pemberton, and Kari Johnson were volunteers at the schools.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bell Gardens Manor Christmas Project

This morning SI Downey partnered with Janet Mennig and her family to prepare Christmas gifts for the residents at Bell Gardens Manor. This is an annual project that we Soroptimists take pride in. We buy toiletries and the Mennigs donate sweatshirts and socks for each of the residents at Bell Gardens Manor. Stonewood Mall generously donated large gift bags to wrap the gifts in.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dentists Without Borders

This morning we had a presentation by Dr. Wayne Wilcox regarding the Downey Rotary's international project of bringing free dentisry to residents in a Mexican village. SI Downey is proud to partner with the Downey Rotary Club in donating funds to support this worthy cause.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Soroptimists were there when Santa Arrived in Downey

Downey Soroptimist member Whitney Wigle is the Marketting Manager at Stonewood Mall. Last night, Whitney organized a scavenger hunt in honor of Santa's arrival at Stonewood Center Mall in Downey. Fellow Soroptimists Patty Kotze and Monica Goel Hornberger brought their little ones to participate in the scavenger hunt to find Santa. A great time was had by all and Whitney did a great job putting on a fun Christmas event in the City of Downey.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Soroptimist Proclamation at Downey City Council Meeting

Tonight the Downey City Council honored the Downey Soroptimists with a proclamation proclaiming October/November, “Breast Cancer Awareness/End Domestic Violence” Month.

Our club shall bring the proclamation to the Fall District Workshop this coming weekend where the proclamations will be displayed.